What Does it Mean to Live Authentically and How Do I Get There?

To live authentically means to embrace all of who you are, the good and the bad. It means acknowledging the things that are messy and still giving yourself the space for joy and peace. Instead of pushing down our flaws and the shadows of ourselves, we need to welcome it and allow it to show us that there’s always light in the darkness. If you’re struggling with your self-worth, consider some of these tips and tricks to help you learn your true self. Once you can understand and embrace who you are, positive self-regard will fall into place.

Shift Your Mindset

Mindset is everything when it comes to authentic living. If you are thinking things that don’t align with your goals or values, you’re setting yourself up for failure. This can be so hard when our natural inclination is to speak negatively to ourselves and to see things in an overall negative light. This is not easy to do, especially when you are trying to shift the mindset you’ve had for most of your life.

Remember that a positive, uplifting mindset does not mean that bad things don’t happen to you. It just means that when bad things happen or negative things arise, you are able to navigate the situation without letting yourself get sucked into a negative headspace. Some simple ways to make these changes include speaking compassionately to yourself, meditating or practicing mindfulness daily, or listening to uplifting podcasts that interest you. Here’s one of our favorite podcasts to help you navigate shifting your self-talk and perspective on life: The Positive Mindset Podcast.

Start Daily Affirmations

Daily affirmations are a small but simple practice that will help you have higher self-regard and begin to live life more authentically. Affirmations may feel overwhelming or confusing if you’ve never done them before. They don’t have to be though–you can cater the practice to what works best for you. Some people like to put their affirmations in their phone so they can recite them whenever they have a free minute. Others like to put post-it notes on their bathroom mirror to integrate into their morning routine. But how do you create affirmation for yourself? Let’s talk about it. 

First, think about you at your highest self and what types of attributes you want to have. In order to have positive self-worth and live authentically, you have to believe in yourself and trust that the things you want to be are things that already exist within you. Once you’ve discovered things that are important to you and your values, form a statement that reflects that. You’ll want your statement to use first person, present tense phrases like “I am, I do, I have…” These statements can be very broad, or you can get specific with them. 

Here are some examples:

I am worthy of all the positive things the universe sends me. 

I have the creativity and drive that produces abundance in all areas of my life. 

I have healthy relationships that make me feel safe and secure. 

Learn About Yourself and Take the Time to Be You

Part of living authentically is knowing and being secure in who you really are. As adults, especially women, it is so easy to get lost in societal roles and forget that we are individuals. If you find yourself feeling lost when someone says “tell me about yourself,” think about some of these things: 

What are your hobbies?

If you don’t know, find them! Explore different hobbies until you find the one you love. Once you know what hobbies you enjoy, make time for them as often as you can. Having interests that you engage with regularly is the key to feeling fulfilled and well-rested. 

Do you understand your own feelings and emotions?

Our natural inclination is to push down negative thoughts or emotions, but in reality that is not best for us. Try leaning into your emotions and learning about what makes you who you are. By understanding and having compassion for yourself, you make yourself more available to connect with others. Here’s a great book to help you better understand emotions and human connection: Atlas of the Heart

What does abundance mean to you in various areas of your life?

Think about each facet of your life: romantic relationships, friendships, family connections, your career, your health, your financial fitness. What does it mean to you to be successful and fruitful in these areas? If you’re struggling to feel at peace with your life, it may be because you are ignoring or casting aside certain areas of your life. When you start engaging in each piece of your life and finding happiness in each of them, you can begin to live authentically.


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