What Questions Do I Ask My Therapist?

by Dalia Cuevas

Ever wonder what to say to or ask your therapist about when you first meet them?

Going to therapy for the first time can be overwhelming and scary even, so taking the time to check in with yourself and ask any questions that could help ease this process is important. As a therapist we want our clients to feel empowered and safe in our presence so keep in mind that there is no wrong question to ask. Helpful questions to ask in your first session can include but aren’t limited to the following:

Who is my therapist?

  1. What is your approach to therapy? There are a variety of therapeutic techniques and interventions out there, take time to learn how your therapist does things.

  2. What experience do you have in dealing with issues like mine? Many mental health counselors have specialized areas of focus to provide high-quality care. You may need marriage counseling after infidelity or you may want support from a trauma counselor. Being clear about your needs can help you find the best therapist for your needs.

  3. What are your credentials and professional background? Ensuring the clinician is qualified to help you is important in any field.

  4. How do you handle crises or emergencies? Feeling supported in times of crisis is essential and knowing ahead of time what you can expect from your therapist in times like these can help better prepare you.

  5. What if I feel like we aren’t a good fit for one another? Not all therapeutic relationships are a good fit, it’s ok to tell your therapist that things are not working.

What’s in it for me?

  1. What can I expect to get out of therapy? Many times asking this question can give the client a better understanding of what therapy consists of, how the process takes place, and how they will be helped.

  2. How will you support me?  Feeling supported is essential and sometimes individuals don’t know about the possibilities of how a therapist can do this.

  3. What are the goals of therapy, and how will we measure progress? This question also assists with setting a clear picture on understanding how therapy works and how the therapist can support you.

  4. What do you expect from me as the client? Understanding what is expected of you can aid in reinforcing comfortability and strengthening the relationship.

  5. How do you handle cultural differences or diversity issues? This can be important to know to ensure the therapist is a good fit to work with certain cultures.

  6. What if I don’t feel comfortable discussing a certain topic? Your well-being is a priority and so is your autonomy.

Let’s talk logistics

  1. How can I contact you? There are typically specific protocols on how to best get in contact with your therapist that can vary based on clinician preferences.

  2. Are there certain policies or regulations around therapy? Like any other medical service, therapy comes with certain regulations that the clients should be aware of. It’s important to review consent forms when starting therapy so you can learn about the regulations in place by HIPAA as well as the therapy practice’s individual policies.

  3. What if I want to discontinue services? All relationships will come to an end at some point, even therapy! Therapists will walk you through the process of discontinuing therapy.

  4. Do you offer school/work excuses? Is there an extra charge for this? Most therapy practices offer separate documentation services to help clients.

  5. Do you offer support to parents of clients? Parents play a crucial part in their child’s life therefore, asking for guidance and support is appropriate.

  6. What can I expect as a parent of a client? There are certain protocols set in place when it comes to confidentiality and its limitations as well as parental involvement in session. This can vary based on the therapist's preference as well.

  7. Can I continue with therapy even though I’ve worked through my challenges? There is always room for change and growth, and you can discuss what that might look like for your therapy journey.

In asking questions like these you as the client can have a better understanding of what to expect in therapy, what the therapist’s methods are, whether your needs and personality align with the therapist's, what level of experience the therapist holds, how you will and can be supported, important policies, the structure of the therapy process, pricing information, and overall help establish a strong foundation for your therapeutic relationship.

Remember, that your well-being is essential and that we as therapists want your experience to be unique, positive, and uplifting so, asking the questions to ensure that your needs are being met is a vital part. Any and all questions are welcome. It’s your space!

If you resonate with this blog and need support, one of our mental health counselors is here to help. We provide individual counseling in Georgia and Florida virtually, with office locations in Buford, GA and Peachtree City, GA. Book a free consultation with us today!


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