Five Ways to Integrate Mental Health Care into Your Life

When life is chaotic and stressful, it feels impossible to get out of that funk and focus on your mental health. Believe me, I get it. Recognizing when you need new coping mechanisms is hard, and it’s even harder to implement self-care systems that work. The best thing you can do for yourself is to start integrating things into your daily routine that will improve your overall mental health. By utilizing all the different parts of your mind, body and soul, you are connecting with all the innermost parts of yourself. There are many ways you can do this. Let’s talk about a few simple changes you can make for yourself. All of these things can be implemented in many different ways to fit your own schedule and lifestyle. 

Move Your Body

Moving your body frequently is essential to optimal mental health. Movement releases endorphins and reduces stress. How often you move and what type of activity you do depends on what is best for you. If you enjoy being physically active and exercising, this may look like creating a workout routine for yourself. If you’re looking for more calm and relaxing movements, things like yoga or mindful walks would be perfect. If you want to get energy out while having fun, start having a dance party in your living room every night. Movement is not the same for everyone, and that’s ok! 

Get Creative

Get those creative juices flowing! Creativity is a great way to reduce your anxiety, boost your mood, and improve your cognitive skills. If you’re unsure of where to start, think about things that you are passionate about and how you can use them creatively. If you love to read, journaling or creative writing may be a good outlet. Drawing and painting can be a great way to reduce stress and improve your mental health. Some people also love to use their creativity in other ways, like decorating or knitting.

Start Affirmations

Giving yourself grace and kindness is so important to your mental health. The best way to begin changing your self-worth is to start doing affirmations. Find a few key phrases that resonate with you, and start saying them to yourself daily. You can write them on a post-it and put it on your bathroom mirror so you see it every morning, or you could put them in your notes app on your phone. Some common affirmations are:

  • My soul radiates from the inside and warms the souls of others.

  • I am deserving of love and kindness. 

  • Every decision I make is the right step toward my full potential. 

If you’re struggling with affirmations, there are podcasts and YouTube videos you can use to guide you until you feel more comfortable doing them on your own. 

Focus on Your Breath

When you are feeling stressed, anxious, or just overall unsettled, take a minute to ground yourself by doing breathing exercises. Deep breaths can be done anywhere and anytime, and the simple practice brings your attention back to the present moment. If you’re not sure how to get started, try this:

Take a moment to feel your feet on the floor, close your eyes and focus on your breath. Notice the rise and fall of your chest as you breathe in and out. Do this multiple times until you start feeling more balanced. 

Consider Counseling

Therapy is a great way to process your emotions, find tools for everyday problems, and learn how to love yourself and be joyful. The beauty of therapy is that there is something for everyone. There are many different techniques therapists use and specialties they have. Reach out to us today to schedule a free consultation!


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